
Name:Autofact Inc. established in 1986, stopped operation on 9.30.2022

Address:1-44Higashi-Koigakubo 4Chome, Kokubunji-Shi,Tokyo,185-0014, Japan

CEO:Isao Ishizaka

Tel;81-42-325-0491 Fax;81-42-325-0602 E-mail:RXI04254@nifty.com

Developing 3DCG/Modeler, Point-clouds Processing System, Computational programs for civil engineering and mechanical systems, and other

Customizing existing software for customers requirements

Developing software for customers requirements

Accepting custmers requests for point-clouds processing and other

[Projects concerned];

Started customizing AutoCAD(trademark of AutoDESK Inc.) in 1986

Customizing for mechanical drawing, NC and data base

Authorized and supported for developping softwares by Tokyo Metropolitan Support Fund Agency in 1991 and 1992

3D free surface modeler, data generation for Stereographic lithography

Started new generation softwares for 2/3D geometric modeling and computation in 1994

Data processing for slant range finder (find 3D coordinates from slant range, horizontal and vertical angles), (generation of surfaces, cross-section lines, contours, digital meshes, 3D clipping etc)

Processing digital elevation maps

Processing contours for generating directly digital meshes and grey-scale texture

Data processing for ruins

Find soil volume

Data processing for 3D scanner

3D NC programs

Pattern recognition on CCD camera data
